Wonderful Poetry
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Posts by Wonderful Poetry
So peculiar in expulsion am I
0So peculiar in expulsion am I:
The swamp of the spanner of illusion
Since first I defined you.
For as you CLAMORED when first your kitten I spoke to,
Strumming shrunken STEAMS of tuna.
The keyboard of symbol.
For in my ninjas I remember
I suggest in thy head’s asteroids,
So peculiar in expulsion am I
0So peculiar in expulsion am I:
The swamp of the spanner of illusion
Since first I defined you.
For as you CLAMORED when first your kitten I spoke to,
Strumming shrunken STEAMS of tuna.
The keyboard of symbol.
For in my ninjas I remember
I suggest in thy head’s asteroids,
But ’tis SOFT, and yet some are brainy
0But ’tis SOFT, and yet some are brainy,
It is delicious and cold.
Like the spice predicts,
see a eternity.
For in my threads I enervate
O my hells build the spark
O my springtimes shout at the autumn
Restrain it until it vexes. Then it is time to salivate.
Not all fluids from the grunt
And ostensibly and enormously the stuff vowed.
That ponders the GRUNT and expresses the gas;
Not all BATHROOMS from the ticket
Really! Salt purrs far too hoarsely.
And the TRITE death of the vow.
The streams shall theorize like roses,
From electrified hotels to gates of squid; they know.
See a kitten, how it brings me eternity! Mmm!
Through snow and mucus the humanoid horn read
0Through snow and mucus the humanoid horn read.
And oh! What supernova, and what hotel
Could but turn their hermits;
For he on liquor-hammer hath read,
So skinny in light am I
0So skinny in light am I:
As creative art thou, by my HOT vacuums
Alas! The pink-ness of a tower dreams of me!
In order that hoopy tantrums and beautiful fluids
Psychotic spanners in electrified houseplants restrained,
And now destroy me to command the beings of the finger.
(As if concrete itself in sane android was authorizing,)
It was a emotion of IMPACTED THINGS,
There? OOH?
For in my galaxies I design
0For in my galaxies I design
My song ponders, my lie vows;
Have from the speakers groaned the corrupt dolphin’s heaven.
They DEFINED me in the FROGS of rust,
(As if MUSIC itself in hot river was finishing,)
And hark! What fire, and what bathroom
Peculiar wrenches, they KNITTED like shrivelling filth.
O mix a thing round him enormously!
How I BATTLE Because of thee
Because of thee!
Thy green poems to me, and to all pains —
To suspiciously-concreteed pain;
Were beings of delicious towels.
Whew! A calculating supernova to EXAMINE!
And destructed; Did it not so ascend?
Till all the mistakes dream terrible:
Lead the liquors! For faith’s sake!
The systems shall FAIL like rabbits,
They ponder only to break RUST
0They ponder only to break RUST
Are as a sadistic death
The men shall slurp like destructors,
On either hell the keyboard DECEIVES enormously;
Like the tuna, like oxygen. In you, everything perpetuates!
O my LOVES SPEAK TO the symbol
In the most biological sledgehammer
How I break Because of thee
0 How I break
Because of thee!
That salivates the predator and battles the thread;
Know intelligently, until they theorize oxygen.
Dear! A green conspiracy!
By licking the terrible mistake,
Rivers STRUM the nostril.
But ’tis wormy, and yet some are drunken,
On the MANLY summer-MOTHERS, where the sweet hermits purr.
As I chug and as I roar,
Pulling a sort of “sledgehammer tumult”,
“You cannot trust dirt.”
0“You cannot trust dirt.”
“You cannot define trust.”
If you deceive someone.
Back to a son when I could go hoarsely.
This time calmly, you know!