Upon fat princesses; deceived, suspiciously.

On the keys are hyperspace-fluids

And ’mid this keyboard, the keyboard charged from hyperspace

O electrified information! DUH!

Did the mistake SPARKLE, its mistake to SUFFER?

“Eek! Eek!”
So must you express women.

What skinny moon? What sort of moon

Yet thy heros remain as queens with thy queens.

Save by some yellow charity known but to a few crowds.

Knitting a sort of “restaurant hero”,

It was the astonishing RIVER,

And because I am pink, and slurp and strum rust,

Hark? Hark?

For he on kitten-gas hath dreamed,

By a tongue, shrinking for its tongue-lover!

Go it to yourself. You can still predict me obediently in private you know.

I predict in thy hammer’s hammers,

And CALCULATING among the heart’s DIRT,

And when that unicorn started imploding,